Merlin Entertainments PLC

Merlin Entertainments PLC

Theme Parks

The Brief

Health & Safety Week.  World-renowned leisure and Theme Park giant needed a way of engaging their staff during their Health & Safety Week in May.  


Leisure & Theme Parks


Print, Collation & Worldwide Shipping



Product Imagery Shot

The Solution

With the help of their operations and design team, we devised a series of games and fun activities to increase H&S awareness.  These were printed, collated and shipped to over 300 teams in 140 location in 20 countries worldwide.  


1000s staff using fun games as education


We love 'thinking creatively'


Staff applying essential H&S strategies

The Results

The staff really got behind the initiative and the feedback was really positive

They Said

What an amazing Safety Week it’s been this year. I think, quite possibly, our best one ever!! I think engagement levels were really high across most attractions. The feedback I’ve received from staff at all levels, including Exec members, has been great. And I could not be more proud of the high quality outputs we provided the attractions – from the games, to the films, to the briefing packs, to the artwork, to the Champions support etc etc. So, THANK YOU so much for all your dedicated hard work over the past 9 months – taking the project from concepts, to designs, to productions, to communications and engagements. Very much appreciated.  Be proud of what you produced and achieved. And if it makes us, as a company, that little bit safer – well, that’s not a bad outcome at all.

Group Safety, Engineering & Security Director